Introducing Our Second Newsletter Edition

Stiolub second newsletter was released

Sitolub’s Second Newsletter is Here! After a successful first year of the project, we’re excited to share some significant milestones. From the launch of our initial web application to advancements in computational research, this year has been marked by substantial progress towards our goals. To learn more about these achievements, check our newsletter: newsletter Haven’t subscribed […]

AC2T represented SITOLUB at 3rd TU Wien – NUAA Symposium

The partner AC2T research GmbH represented SITOLUB at 3rd TU Wien – Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) Symposium. The partner’s collaborators gave two talks around the field SITOLUB is emerged. Below is a summary of what was presented in each one of the talks.   Talk: Computational Models for the Safe and Sustainable by […]

Our first newsletter is out!

Our first newsletter is out!

Sitolub just started but there is already plenty to share. If you want to keep up with what is happening during the project, subscribe to our newsletter and stay in touch with us. We’ll keep you posted on what is going on and what is yet to come. Meanwhile, check out our first edition here. […]


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Unravelling the Agenda: What Lies Ahead? SITOLUB welcomes collaboration opportunities with research professionals, industry delegates, and relevant associations. We graciously invite you to convene with us at forthcoming online and physical events and conferences. Please be advised that while our event listing is subject to periodic updates, it may not comprehensively capture all relevant engagements. […]